Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Choir and Theater Arts Performance

Last Thursday the Choir and Theater Arts Academy which consist of about 40 students performed "Thriller" they did such a wonderful job! Sierra is enjoying Choir Academy which is the same as Honor choir and in January they will participate in competition.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Baskeball Season

Ok here we go its Baskeball Season once again! Practice start November 30th I though I was getting a break since Sierra has been all into Volleyball going to camps,etc. noway she is ready for B-ball so I guess we will be well rounded when it comes to sports. Last year to do little league basketball she is very excited though to be able to try out in Junior High next year. Plus one of her best friends who is in 7th grade made the team so will be going to some of those games also, ya I am so crazy!

AB Honor Roll

We are back to making the AB Honor Roll we had a rough 1st six weeks with the Math but it she is getting it and realizing that Middle School is a new ball game from Elementary. I think it sunk in that she would be pulled out of honors choir if she did not pass so the C from the first six week wasn't good enough. Then I had to deal with the drama of her first "C" she was upset for days but hey she knew what she had to do to get that grade up.