Monday, January 12, 2009

Basketball Season

Basketball season has arrived! Sierra is playing basketball for Upward at Calvary Baptist Church in Rosenberg and so far they have a pretty good team. They started practice first week in December and continued to practice during the Christmas holidays. Sierra's team is made up of 5th and 6th graders, boys and girls and these kids are so tall. Ya, Ya I know I am short so it is not hard for half the team to be taller than me actually my own child is a little pass my shoulders at 10 years old (which is scary) but these kids are tall and so serious and dedicated to the game. This will be her second year playing and she is really enjoying it. The team this year is alot different than the team she played on last year so she has gone from being a leader and almost the tallest to about the second to the shortest on team and having to learn new positions which is really great I rather her be a well rounded player not just playing one position for three years. So far I am very impressed! They won this past weekends game, GO BULLS!

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