Friday, December 24, 2010

End of the Year

A group of her and her friends after the choir concert.
Go Varsity Choir
Lamar JH Varsity Choir Concert

Sierra being Sierra

A Girly moment I don't get alot of these

Loves to add stuff to my pictures

Well we made it through the first semester of Junior High!!! As always has kept me busy but I am proud of my girl we had few stumbles but that is what life is about and I rather her learn them now then later on in life. Junior High is not what it use to be and being a parent of a tween is a hold another job but we are making it through.

I can not believe the end of the year is just around the corner.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

This year so far

Sierra being crazy!
Pretty Girl

In the Camera again! She loves to take pictures my Model

Back then 4 years old


Where in the world do I start this year is flying by!

My baby is making it through first semester of Junior High 7th Grade!!!!

Lamar Junior High Go Ponies!

Friday, August 13, 2010


My baby got her braces today!

Friday, July 9, 2010


Kayden Tyler Palacios is here July 3, 2010 @ 1:34 PM

All my children (not really but might as well say so)

Ok I do not know where the summer is going!!!! Man August is right around the corner and it will be back full blast no more playing around. We are just enjoying each day hope everyone else is doing the same!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Where Did the School Year Go

Ok so the school year is officially over and boy did it go by quick! I now have a 7th Grader that I am very proud finishing her six grade year with an overall average of a 93 which I know was hard for her with all AP classes! Sierra also received Commended on both Math and Reading TAKS test.


Getting ready for Volleyball camp this week as you can see Volleyball is her thing so hopefully she will make the team in Junior High

As for me work is work we start our ten hour days this week and I can not wait until we get these two new schools open then we can really breath

I will try to do a much better job with the updates!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


So much as been going on these past two months!
*Sierra Passed her Math/Reading TAKS test and received commended
*Volleyball Season is officially over the Stings had a pretty good season
*Almost time for dance recital July 12th/13th

These are just highlights I will post more information much later!

Friday, April 2, 2010


More pictures...

Month of March

Me Chilling

Sierra and Ayana (Her little Sister)

Sierra and Kelle back from the 6th grade dance

Sierra and Gloria

Finally got a picture that is not from sports or school

This month of March has flown by way too fast...
*Basketball season has come to an end the last game was Sierra best game with 11 points this was her last year to play UpWard Basketball for Calvary Baptist Church since they end with 6th grade but she hopes to try out and make the team next year in Junior High.

*So enjoyed Spring Break a true week of relaxation. Enjoyed the time with one of my friends Nisha and her family it felt like old times when Sierra and I used to come visit at least once a week we truly had a girls day out.

*Houston Rodeo 2010 with Mary J. Blige my goodness that concert was fabulous and I actually remembered the words to most of the songs brought back memories from high school it was so nice.
*Volleyball Season has officially started so far Sierra's team is 1-1 Go Stings!

*Sierra picked her schedule for next school year two more months and my baby will be in Junior High School.

*Sierra Alexus-Nichole Palacios was baptized Sunday March 28, 2010

I am so proud of her for taking that step in her life and getting to a point where she realized you have to have God in your life and accepting him as your savior for yourself. It makes you feel like I am doing a good job and my prayer are being answered because parenting you continue to stay prayerful and at this point in her life I am staying on my knees even more. There is so much out in the world to distract our children and after spending time at an Alternative School seeing first hand I just tend to be open and believe in keeping the line of communication open at all time there should be nothing you are too afraid of to talk to with your children.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Time is flying by February is almost gone...
*Enjoyed my 33rd birthday with my family
*Sierra's basketball team got to go to the Houston Rockets game (they actually won). After the game they got a chance to meet the players and shot free throws. Experience of a life time!
*Sierra had her first school dance Valentine Weekend...I do not remember having a dance in 6th was so funny dropping her and her friends off and picking them up it was like they had really gone out on a Saturday night it was too funny.
*Sierra picked her classes for next year-Junior High 7th grade man time is flying by. Of course she is trying so hard for me to let her go to the new school Reading JH and George Ranch HS because she knows working for the district I could let her go to any school with in the district but she might as well let that one go she will just have to be Mustang and not a Longhorn.
*Sierra also joined church and will be baptized next month I am so proud of her to get to a point where she realize how important her spiritual relationship is in her life. I am proud of her!
*Volleyball starts in March so I will keep you updated on that

We have survived February good thing it is a short month.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


January is flying by... Today chilled with my family my cousin was baptized at Mt. Carmel in Richmond I am so proud of her for realizing that God is the center of your life, the head and you can do all things through CHRIST which strengthens you!!!!
Basketball is keeping us busy but I am so proud of my baby girl she goes out every game and gives her best and that is all I can ask. First game lost by two points and her foul helped them win and then this weekend it was a tie game no overtime but hey this is little league.
Work is work I am earning my keep with opening this new high school and junior high I am enjoying this though.