Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Time is flying by February is almost gone...
*Enjoyed my 33rd birthday with my family
*Sierra's basketball team got to go to the Houston Rockets game (they actually won). After the game they got a chance to meet the players and shot free throws. Experience of a life time!
*Sierra had her first school dance Valentine Weekend...I do not remember having a dance in 6th grade...it was so funny dropping her and her friends off and picking them up it was like they had really gone out on a Saturday night it was too funny.
*Sierra picked her classes for next year-Junior High 7th grade man time is flying by. Of course she is trying so hard for me to let her go to the new school Reading JH and George Ranch HS because she knows working for the district I could let her go to any school with in the district but she might as well let that one go she will just have to be Mustang and not a Longhorn.
*Sierra also joined church and will be baptized next month I am so proud of her to get to a point where she realize how important her spiritual relationship is in her life. I am proud of her!
*Volleyball starts in March so I will keep you updated on that

We have survived February good thing it is a short month.

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